Landgard Bio GmbH
Landgard Bio - logically!
Controlled quality, strong partners, a comprehensive product range, and a bonus in terms of service – Landgard Bio brings together the best features of ecological cultivation for the retail industry. Organic production is the oldest cultivation method known to humanity. Organic products are enjoying increasing demand amongst conscientious consumers, and are very trendy. As a subsidiary of the Landgard Group, Landgard Bio GmbH pools the comprehensive spectrum of organically grown foods under a joint roof, and supports the retail industry with a wide service portfolio.
Organic with no ifs or buts.
All Landgard Bio products come from audited producer companies that produce fruit and vegetables ecologically in a self-contained process. Landgard Bio operates in compliance with IFS Standard 5, EC controls, and continuous process monitoring, from the plant to the plate. This is made clear to the buyer by the familiar EU organic label, with which all Landgard Bio products are marked.
Partners to the producers.
Landgard Bio is all about proximity to the producers. Leading German organic businesses are amongst the members of the Group, and supply regional freshness from ecological cultivation. Parallel to this, transnational partnerships with leading organic producer groups ensure the year-round availability of produce for the retail industry.
System partners to the retail industry.
The comprehensive organic portfolio ranges from freshly harvested vegetables, fresh or prepared, and tasty fruit, to choice dried fruits, always accompanied by personal advisory services and customised offers. Individual requirements from the retail industry are fulfilled with the familiar Landgard reliability – from the planning processes, production and pooling of order quantities to the customer-specific packaging, labelling and scheduling.
Partnerschaftlich mit den Erzeugern.
Landgard Bio steht für die Nähe zum Erzeuger. Führende inländische Bio-Betriebe zählen zur Unter-nehmensgruppe und liefern regional Frische aus ökologischem Anbau. Parallel sichern länder-übergreifende Kooperationen zu führenden Bio-Erzeugergruppen eine ganzjährige Waren-verfügbarkeit für den Handel.
Systempartner für den Handel.
Das umfassende Bio-Angebot reicht von erntefrischem Gemüse, frisch- oder vorbearbeitet, über knackiges, leckeres Obst bis hin zu erlesenen Trockenfrüchten, stets verbunden mit persönlicher Beratung und maßgeschneiderten Angeboten. Individuelle Anforderungen von Seiten des Handels werden mit gewohnter Landgard Zuverlässigkeit erfüllt – von der Planung über die Erzeugung und Bündelung der Mengen bis hin zur kundengerechten Verpackung, Auszeichnung und Disposition.