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As a marketing cooperative, we set the standard for sustainable value creation for everyone involved in the green sector.

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Careers at Landgard

At you can find all the information you need on job and training vacancies, and further information on the application process.


Landgard sustainability agenda

Fresh flowers and plants, and healthy fruit and vegetables, represent an intact and healthy environment. In order that customers can continue to rely on the quality and freshness of products from Landgard producers, we see conserving natural resources and taking responsibility for nature and society as integral parts of our value system. But what does that mean in real terms? What projects have we already implemented? What goals have we achieved? Answers to these and many other questions can be found on the website

The sustainability agenda clearly and illustratively displays how Landgard contributes through a shared commitment to securing a healthy basis for the coming generations of the producer cooperative, member companies, customers, employees and the industry as a whole. At the centre of the agenda are the four pillars of the Landgard sustainability strategy: Green Products; Climate, Energy and Environment; Employees; and Society.

Further information

Our product range

Flowers & Plants

Make life more beautiful, and business is blooming with Landgard

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Fruit & Vegetables

Landgard supplies freshness, from A for apple to Z for zucchini

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Our services

We act sustainably

At Landgard, sustainability is a central component part of our strategic orientation as a modern marketing producer cooperative.

We think regionally

Landgard corresponds to the megatrend of regional focus through its clear commitment to German producers and their products.

Assured quality

Landgard’s quality management pursues an integrated approach, and is a key component of our corporate philosophy.

Regional quality, individual products and more.


Achieving more together.


Creating added value side by side.


Identifying what will bring growth.


Diversity needs strong roots.

As a marketing cooperative, we set the standard for sustainable value creation for everyone involved in the green sector.

We focus on long-term partnerships.

Together with our more than 3,000 member companies, we offer the retail industry concepts and licences that are as diverse as the topic of sustainability itself. Landgard sustainability concepts such as “IssSo” (“Eat it as it is”) “Deutschland schmeckt” (“Germany tastes good”), “Biene Maja” (“Maya the Bee”), “IssBio” (“Eat Organic”), “Deutsche Gärtnerware” (“German Gardening Products”) and “Die Maus” (“The Mouse”) are specific examples of our commitment. Join us in transforming green products, social commitment, and the protection of natural resources, from theory into everyday practice at your point of sale. Show your customers that sustainability has many facets.

Flowers and plants make life more beautiful, and business is blooming with Landgard. Thanks to our producers from all around Europe, we have a colourful product range of cut flowers and houseplants available every day. We connect horticulture with the retail industry. With individual product ranges and service that is tailored to the requirements of our customers and producers in equal measure. Freshness and quality are the cornerstones of our daily work. Landgard supplies freshness, from A for apple to Z for zucchini. Our producers deliver top-quality fruit and vegetables from Germany and Europe on a daily basis, and we market it. We are the interface connecting horticulture with the retail industry.